As per your chart you have quite good earning capability and potential and your income would always be good but your expenses would always be over the roof and the same will be a hindrance to sufficient savings and accumulation of wealth.
Your financial situation could start improving from year 2026 onwards and would become stable enough and satisfactory, till such time you may have to manage and improve things gradually. Your chart also indicates the possibility of stress on your financial condition due to your responsibilities which would also start getting dissolved from 2026 onwards.
Overall you have a good financial status in your ahead and you would be settled.
Best Wishes.
Kanya lagna with the lagna lord Mercury posited in the third house conjunct Sun; Saturn posited in the lagna; Eleventh lord Moon posited in the fourth house conjunct second lord Venus and Ketu; Jupiter posited in the second house; Rahu Maha Dasha ongoing and Venus Antar Dasha starts in the year 2026.