As per the birth details shared by you, your Sun sign is Pisces and your Moon sign is Sagittarius. Further you may have to put in initiatives and start communication from your side to make things right for both of you.
The birth details of the partner would have provided further insights. Astrology can be used to analyse the compatibility between two individuals, but it won't be able to analyse whether you will be in relationship with a particular person.
Truthful communication and complete transparency from both the individuals, are the cornerstones of a long lasting relationship.
Best Wishes.
Aquarius ascendant with the ascendant lord Saturn posited in the tenth house with full aspect on the seventh house; Mercury posited in the ascendant; Seventh lord Sun posited in the second house conjunct Jupiter and North Node (Rahu); Seventh lord Sun posited in the fifth house conjunct a debilitated Venus in the Divisional Chart 9 (Navamsha).