Dear Rinky,
As per your horsocope, starting April 2022 and until April 2023, is an appropriate time for your marriage to take place.
If something has fallen in place, the destiny has a way around it to take it forward. But it will take some patience and understanding to be developed with your marriage partner before this marriage becomes successful.
You would need atleast 3-4 years before you settle down in this new relationship.
If you are mentally not prepared and if you feel this relationship won't work out to the extent that 3 years is too much of time. Then you should re-evaluate.
Since turmoil would be there but thats the way for a long lasting stable outcome in your relationship matters.
Hope this answers your query.
Transit Jupiter in Pisces of 7th house brings marriage matters in forefront, also 8th transit from rashi chart. Mars being placed in 7th from moon and lord of 8th from lagna, is crucial for stabilty in new relationship.
Stability acheived in Mars isn't disturbed by Rahu, but unstable Mars can be disrupted in Rahu Dasha.