As per your chart, you have good earnings and income throughout your life. It also indicates good level of expenses, which would weaken your financial stability only to a limited extent as your earnings would be good.
You have good earnings indicated and it would be prudent for you to reduce your expenses and increase your savings, which would give additional strength to your financial stability.
Persistent hard work and sincere efforts would not only give you peace of mind but will also help in terms of material benefits. Be transparent and honest in all your dealings, you would be much better off as you age.
Best Wishes.
Dhanu Lagna with the Lagna lord retrograde Jupiter posited in the ninth house and Jupiter Maha Dasha ongoing currently with Saturn Maha Dasha thereafter; Retrograde Saturn, Mars and Rahu posited in the ninth house conjunct Jupiter; Ashtakavarga score of eleventh house is 32 and that of second house is 29.