You have a balanced mind and you generally consider all perspectives because of which you could be left indecisive. Further, there could be chance of being less on confidence sometimes, which you need to overcome.
You will earn sufficient wealth in your life and would generally be satisfied with you earnings as life progresses. The current ongoing time is favourable to you and things will gradually start getting favourable to you by mid 2023 onwards.
You need to focus on your strengths and should accept your weaknesses and work to turn them in to your strengths. You need to be more flexible in your nature and approach towards life. As indicated in the chart, with every passing day you are destined to a better life.
Best wishes.
Mithuna lagna with the lagna lord Mercury posited in the fifth house conjunct benefic Venus; Ketu posited in the lagna conjunct Mars; Jupiter conjunct sun posited in the fourth house; Mercury Maha Dasha ongoing with Sun Antar Dasha till mid 2023 and Jupiter transiting in Meena the tenth house till May 2023.