As per your chart, the current time is a stressful time for you till Nov 2023 and things will slowly start moving in a conducive way from then onwards.
You need to maintain positive and cordial relationships with everyone in your professional life. Just be diplomatic with everyone, even if you do not agree with them and do antagonize people.
Persistent hard work and sincere efforts would not only give you peace of mind but will also help in terms of material benefits. Be transparent and honest in all your dealings and things would start getting better for you.
Best Wishes.
Tula lagna with the lagna lord Venus posited in the second house conjunct Mercury and Rahu; Jupiter posited in the lagna; Tenth lord Moon posited in the fourth house; Jupiter Maha Dasha ongoing with Ketu Antar Dasha till Nov 2023 and Venus Antar Dasha starts thereafter.