You have an emotional mind and you could have a tendency to understand things better before acting upon them. You would learn things faster than others.
As per your chart, you do have capability to acquire skills in fine arts which could be like singing, dancing, sculpting, painting etc. You could excel in any of these skills or multiple of them, which would depend on the extent of your dedication not just to acquire but also to master them.
You could consider the fine arts as an option to take and apply your mind and skills. You have a good and satisfying future ahead.
Best Wishes.
Capricorn ascendant with the ascendant lord retrograde Saturn posited in the sixth house; Moon conjunct Venus in the ascendant and Moon conjunct retrograde Saturn in the seventh house in the Divisional Chart 9; Venus posited in a trine in ninth house in the Divisional chart 9; Ashtakavarga score of fourth house is 31.