You have a strong mind and you are an affectionate person with good perception of people and situations around and you could be good at taking quick and spontaneous decisions.
As per your chart, you do have a chance of second marriage and it would be stable and smooth life for you and your family. The time starting from Jan 2024 is conducive and positive for you thereafter and you can expect things to be better.
Your daughter would have a good life and grow up and you would be proud of her achievements as life goes on. Keep your sincere and honest efforts for building a better life.
Best Wishes.
Kumbha lagna with the lagna lord retrograde Saturn posited in the tenth house with full aspect on the seventh house; Lord of seventh house posited in the fourth house conjunct Mars with full aspect on retrograde Saturn.
Moon posited in the fifth house in natal chart and in the ninth house in the Navamsha; Dhanya Yogini Dasha starts in Jan 2024. Ashtakavarga score of seventh house is 31.