You have a positive and practical approach to life and you generally take all possible aspects in to consideration in all situations.
You need to be firm in your mind on most matters and convey the same in no-uncertain terms to others in the family. They would have firmed up their thinking style over the past many years, so the only way to handle such situations is with diplomacy and being firm in what you wish to communicate.
Further the current time period is volatile for you and things could start getting softened from Jan 2023 onwards.
Best Wishes.
Meena lagna with the lagna lord Jupiter posited in the second house; Second lord Mars posited in the sixth house conjunct Sun, Mercury and Venus; Rahu posited in the lagna and Ketu posited in the seventh house; Sun posited in exaltation in the seventh house in Navamsa conjunct Venus and Mercury; Saturn Maha Dasha with Mercury Antar Dasha and rahu Pratyantar Dasha; Jupiter Pratyantar Dasha starts from Jan 2023.