You have good observation skills and you need to develop ability to focus and concentrate.
As per your chart, you have pretty good chance of higher education from a good university and you can also go to a foreign country for your studies and profession. You should but in persistent hard work to achieve this.
The time starting from Mar-Apr 2024 onwards, is conducive for your foreign travel for higher education, if you plan things properly. Give your best hard work and efforts with focus of goals. You have good and stable future ahead.
Best Wishes.
Dhanu Lagna with Lagna lord in the seventh house conjunct Venus and Rahu; Fourth lord Jupiter in the seventh house conjunct Venus and Rahu; Fifth lord Mars in the twelfth house in own sign giving full aspect to fourth lord Jupiter.
Fourth lord Jupiter is debilitated in the Makar Navamsha conjunct an exalted Mars in the Makar Navamsha, both conjunct Rahu. Rahu MD starts in 2024.
Ashtakavarga scores of fourth house and fifth house are 31 each; Ashtakavarga score of fourth house of Chaturvimshamsha is 38.