We have analysed your chart with respect to your query. You have a tender mind with an attractive personality.
It is likely that the person you are attracted to is the person you will have serious relationship provided there are positive indications till Oct 2023. You should wait out for few months and decide after October this year, when things could be much clear.
You may like to however analyse this person thoroughly before making up your mind. The next few years will bring cheers and smiles to you with respect to relationships and prosperity.
Best wishes.
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Sagittarius ascendant with the ascendant lord retrograde Jupiter exalted and posited in the eighth house; Seventh lord Mercury posited in the eleventh house conjunct South Node (Ketu); Moon posited in the fourth house; Ashtakavarga score of seventh house is 30; North Node major period ongoing with Saturn sub period and Mercury sub-sub period up to Oct 2023.