You could have a focussed approach towards academics and you could be confused sometimes of your own strengths and capabilities.
As per your chart, a higher or masters degree is definitely on the cards for you and you would prosper more if you align the direction of your higher education with your basic qualification and a management oriented course would be quite conducive in the long run.
Keep your hard work and efforts with sincerity and you will surely get your due benefits. You have a bright future ahead of you and you are fortunate in terms of education and profession.
Best Wishes.
Dhanu lagna with lagna lord and lord of fourth house, retrograde Jupiter in a trine in the fifth house conjunct a retrograde Saturn; Moon posited in the fourth house.
Fifth lord Mars exalted in the second house conjunct Ketu; Ashtakavarga score of fourth house of Chaturvimshamsha is 31 indicating success in higher education.