You have a lively, fun filled and energetic personality. You also have the determination to conquer all the aspects of life. You can sense trouble well in advance compared to others.
As per your chart, Yes, you have good chances of foreign travel, which could be for leisure, pleasure or even professional trips. If you are in business this could be a big thing as it could mean you will have good business transactions internationally.
You would be well settled in life financially by 36-37 years age and will have a comfortable life. You will have sufficient earnings by this age of your own.
Best Wishes.
Karka lagna with lagna lord Moon posited in the seventh house; Lord of tenth house Mars posited in the third house; Lord of ninth house retrograde Jupiter posited in the eleventh house conjunct a retrograde Saturn.
Rahu posited in the twelfth house and is under Punarvasu Nakshatra ruled by Jupiter; Rahu Maha Dasha ongoing and spans up to 2037.