D9 chart is a divisional chart, and one of the most important divisional charts. The areas you have mentioned and going indepth in each is beyond the scope here. Also these areas should be analysed by D1 or moon chart first and then refined further using D9. Few pointers that we suggest, you have a strong influence of father, gurus, preachers, educators kind of figures on your life which will be a key indicator for all matters in your life. Career will have a deeper connection to matters of speculation, gaming, creativity, stockmarket, business of accidental nature like insurance, etc.
10th house in D1 is leo which falls in eigth house in D9 with lord sitting in 5th house of D9. Jupiter and Ketu in 9th house in D1 and Jupiter in 9th house of D9 as well as Ketu in 10th house of D9