You have a soft and sober personality. You would have a sweet speech and an attractive voice.
As per your chart, you can become a singer with dedicated practice. You would have a good professional life and a decent career. You are a hard working individual, have quite a calculative and analytical mind and this quality has been supporting you and will continue to do so.
Persistent hard work and sincere efforts would not only give you peace of mind but will also help in terms of material benefits. Be transparent and honest in all your dealings and things would start getting better for you.
Best Wishes.
Libra ascendant with the ascendant lord Venus posited in the eleventh house; Moon posited in the ascendant conjunct Mars; Sun posited in the tenth house conjunct retrograde Mercury and North Node (Rahu); Sun posited in the tenth house in Divisional Chart 9 also.
Ashtakavarga score of tenth house is 30 and that of eleventh house is 34.