You have a soft and gentle mind from within and you also have different external personality. Your persistence in your efforts would be your strength.
The upcoming time from Dec 2022 till March 2023 would be positive and conducive to you in many ways and you could see things moving in the intended direction. Thereafter till Aug 2023 the time would be generally mediocre and things would start improving again from Sep 2023 onwards.
You would see a good overall progress in your business and you need to be on the lookout for pitfalls and you would have a satisfactory progress.
Best Wishes.
Kumbha Lagna with the Lagna lord retrograde Saturn posited in the third house in debilitation; Tenth lord Mars is posited in the seventh house in conjunction with eleventh lord Jupiter and seventh lord Sun; Saturn Maha Dasha with Mercury Antar Dasha ongoing and Jupiter PD runs up to March 2023; Saturn PD starts from April 2023 till Aug 2023.