You are destined for a good and progressive life. You have a good mix of happiness, cultured life, wealth generating potential and best of all you would be very good at maintaining relationships.
Your spiritual connection would be to connect with the human values and to serve the mankind to bring it out of the miseries it is undergoing wherever and in whichever way possible for you.
You will require to put in consistent efforts into everything in your life for getting the goals and objectives you desire. Your luck factor is good and it needs to be supported by your efforts to fully fructify.
Best Wishes.
Taurus ascendant with the ascendant lord Venus exalted and posited in the eleventh house; Mercury posited in the ascendant; South Node (Ketu) is posited in the twelfth house in conjunction with Sun.
Saturn posited in the tenth house with full aspect on the twelfth house; Twelfth lord Mars debilitated and posited in the third house; Ashtakavarga score of twelfth house is 31.