You have a well built personality. You would be able to overcome your health issue with some lifestyle adjustments on a regular and daily basis.
You can wear Red Coral gem if possible in a ring. You can recite the following mantra every day:-
ऊँ क्राम क्रीं क्रौं सह भौमाया नमः ऊँ अम अंगारकाय नमः
Om Kraam Kreem Kraum Sah Bhoumaaya Namah Om Am Angaarakaaya Namah
You need to completely avoid spicy food till your problem is over and take only Satvik food all the time. Along with these you need to follow professional medical advice and follow the regimen advised.
Best wishes.
Makar lagna with the lagna lord retrograde Saturn posited in the eleventh house; Lord of sixth house posited in the fifth house and Mars posited in the sixth house and is also posited under the Mrigasira, its own ruled Nakshatra.
Sixth lord of Shashtamsha Venus posited in the fifth house conjunct Mars in Mesha; Ashtakavarga score of sixth house is 25.