You have good looks and you can connect with people, you also have the attribute of soft and attractive speech and communication. You would need to improve on public speaking and dialog delivery as that would be the primary requirement for connecting with audience.
Area where you would need to improve and develop more to attain success in acting a s a profession mainly is memory and retention skills, which are very important to express oneself to the audience.
Overall you have a good chance of success in taking up acting as a profession, the requirement is persistence and sincerity in your efforts.
Best Wishes.
Cancer ascendant with the ascendant lord Moon posited in the third house; Second lord debilitated Sun posited in the fourth house; Mars conjunct North Node (Rahu) posited in the second house; Retrograde Saturn posited in the tenth house in debilitation; Ashtakavarga score of ascendant is 36, that of third house is 34 and that of tenth house is 30.