You normally have high energy levels both at physical and mental levels. You have a noble mind and generally like quietude and remain to yourself. You have a tendency to often feel lonely even when you are not.
As per your chart, the chances of any chronic or serious illness is quite minimal and there could be only seasonal health issues or those which come with normal ageing process.
Having regular health check ups, practicing healthy and satwik diet along with meditation and yoga/exercise will keep the diseases at bay.
Best Wishes.
Mesh Lagna with the Lagna lord Mars posited in the ninth house conjunct sixth lord retrograde Mercury, Sun and Ketu; Moon posited in the fifth house; Jupiter posited in the twelfth house in own sign Meena with full aspect on the sixth house; Jupiter debilitated and posited in the sixth house in the Shashtamsa; Ashtakavarga score of sixth house is 35.